35 Questions 85 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arindam Mallick
I am preparing triple cation perovskite films using a one-step process (4:1 DMF: DMSO). After the anti-solvent dropping (Chlorobenzene) (5s before the spinning end), the films become transparent...
12 December 2019 7,212 3 View
Due to high electron concentration in a metal or transparent conducting film the NIR transmission falls sharply due to free carrier scattering or plasmon resonance.However, in case of metal NW...
09 September 2018 8,259 3 View
I would like to deposit film of Yttrium iron garnet using magnetron sputtering technique. Will there be any problem during deposition?? Any risk to the system??
08 August 2018 606 15 View
In most of the XRD instrument Cu is used and in most of the XPS instrument Al/Mg is used? Is there any specific reason behind this??
08 August 2018 932 5 View
I would like to know how much ZnO-based TCF (AZO, GZO) contribute (in % or in US$) to the present TCF market and any future forecast??
07 July 2018 753 5 View
If thin films are prepared from a sputtering target that contains three different oxides in same weight percentage (33.3%)..... what might be the XRD of the film look like?? Will it contain all...
04 April 2018 7,467 11 View
Suppose I have two material having high carrier density (hole=5x1022 cm-3 and electron =5x1020 cm-3).. will this two film form good quality diode? Or I can make a diode putting one p and n type...
04 April 2018 2,703 8 View
I would like to prepare thin films of a metal oxide using only wet chemical process (I don't want to involve any vacuum system) to overcoat my existing sample. The process temperature should be...
04 April 2018 8,990 6 View
For metal or doped semiconductor like ITO, FTO, AZO the transmission spectra falls down at visible or NIR region. With increasing electron concentration, one can see the %T graph fall more rapidly...
03 March 2018 6,536 1 View
I would like to know in case of chemical bath deposition process at fixed temperature whether a fast reaction rate would produce more rough surface (high RMS value in AFM) or not. Please site if...
01 January 2018 4,077 5 View
I would like to get an idea about the mean free path of the electrons in doped ZnO thin films. I have the electrical data obtained from the Hall Effect measurement. How can I find the mean free...
08 August 2017 6,519 11 View
Can anyone tell me how to plot an average line through some scattered data points (preferable in Origin software). Please have a look on the example as shown in Graph-2. I would like to draw a...
02 February 2017 5,553 4 View
From the FWHM of XRD pattern of thin films, some people conclude that greater FWHM means smaller grain size. Is this statement correct?? If yes why?? Please let me know in details.
10 October 2016 8,458 1 View
Via physical vapor deposition technique what should be the minimum thickness to get metal like conductivity of Silver?? (resistance roughly (> 10 Ohm) measured in a digital multi meter)
09 September 2016 2,022 0 View
I have doped ZnO with different concentration of Chlorine. With increasing Cl concentration, I have got XPS Cl (2p) peak with greater FWHM values. Does it have any significance?? Also, with...
09 September 2016 3,707 7 View
I have got the enhancement of UV/VIS value (RTPL emission) (from 2.2 to 9.5) for sol-gel derived doped zinc oxide thin films. What might be the possible explanations?
06 June 2016 6,416 6 View
I have got the enhancement of UV/VIS value (RTPL emission at 380 nm/550 nm) (from 2.2 to 9.5) for sol-gel derived doped zinc oxide thin films. What might be the possible explanations?
06 June 2016 8,335 8 View
For Al+F, Al, Al+Sn doped ZnO thin film I have got the attached data of electron feective mass and carrier relaxation time. What is the significance of reduced electron effective mass?? What is...
06 June 2016 5,059 12 View
Does it have the frequency dependency??? If yes then how is the relation between dielectric constant and frequency??
03 March 2016 838 1 View
I would like to determine Wp (reflection edge, represented by the screened plasma energy) from transmission or absorption data. How can I Can get that from Wp from ellipsometry data??
03 March 2016 7,995 6 View
Dose the XRD intensity increases with crystallite size? Is it normal to expect lower FWHM for greater crystallite size? (I have grown doped and co-doped ZnO samples by RF sputtering which have a...
07 July 2015 6,615 3 View
Upon doping I have got crystallite size different form the mother one.Also there is a tensile as well as compressive strain for those doped samples. Please see the attachment. Crystallite...
06 June 2015 5,552 7 View
The XRD signals were taken by BRUKER D8 and PHILLIP X'PERTS PRO. Please see the attachment. Can anyone explain the possible reasons??
06 June 2015 3,773 17 View
Please see the images attached...
04 April 2015 226 7 View
If possible then can anyone suggest me the experimental conditions for the annealing???
01 January 2015 4,603 5 View
I tried with 40 ml of water, Zn acetate, HMT, and Al nitrate at 100 C for various durations. I used Rf sputtered ZnO seed layer of 40 nm. When I open the lined teflon chamber no trace of film and...
04 April 2014 1,857 5 View
I want to know the temperature of heating and whether I can do it in air or vacuum?
02 February 2014 6,250 12 View
The possible peaks are 2P1/2, 2P3/2, 2S1/2. Energy difference between 2P1/2, 2P3/2 is 0.4 eV. Though I have not found any paper showing 2P1/2 peak, rather 2P3/2 is mentioned every where. Is it...
02 February 2014 7,606 7 View
01 January 2014 1,153 2 View
Or more interestingly having a metal like upper surface (blackish, resistance 1-10 ohm?)I have made sputtering target (dia 2inch, 1/4 inch thickness) centered at 400 C with TiO2 powder.I have got...
01 January 2014 7,719 9 View
I need to find the the thickness of the films to know the other things.
12 December 2013 9,387 9 View
For a TCO film, if one determines optical mobility and electron density (from Drude theory) should it be greater or lesser than the value obtained from the Hall effect measurement and why?
01 January 1970 6,396 5 View
Due to high electron concentration in a metal or transparent conducting film the NIR transmission falls sharply due to free carrier scattering or plasmon resonance. However, in case of metal NW...
01 January 1970 7,830 5 View
If there is a change in the FWHM of the perovskite film PL, after normalization of the peak intensity, what conclusion can be drawn?
01 January 1970 8,164 6 View
I'm getting 28-30 mA Jsc along with 1030-1060 meV Voc and 60-72% FF for FTO/cTiO2/mTiO2/tripple cation/Spiro/Au device. Is there any maximum theoretical value for Jsc?
01 January 1970 7,636 5 View