14 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anuradha Ellepola
Morbid jealousy is associated with love, hatred and possessive ness. So many couples show possessive traits within relationships. Is it a favourable feature? Is it necessary for a healthy...
27 January 2021 4,563 5 View
There's a quack who claims that he can cure patients with COVID using his 'magic portion'. Some media blindly support him, though there's no scientific evidence for his treatment. There's a...
18 December 2020 8,222 5 View
Brain vs mind is a never solved debate. A school of thought is that the mind can function without the brain. Is it possible?
11 December 2020 2,819 4 View
We see patients wearing masks all the time when assessing their mental states. Is it possible to do a reasonable MSE while the patient is wearing a face mask ? Especially when we come into...
07 December 2020 5,271 0 View
If you read buddhist scriptures, you can find a number of stories about mind travel. It indicates that lord buddha used to mind travel to far away places and interacted with people. What do you...
01 December 2020 3,522 19 View
The extent of usable land will decline due to rise in sea levels. Many islands will be disappeared. People might have to carry oxygen tanks to breathe. Technological development won't go any...
30 November 2020 6,628 4 View
DSM V seems to be much better when compared to ICD 10 for clinicians. ICD 11 has a number of changes. It'll be a great guideline once out for use. How do you compare the two guidelines, ICD 11 and...
24 November 2020 4,437 4 View
High expressed emotions is a major determinant of psychiatry disorder prognosis. Especially when it comes to schizophrenia. Research suggests that being in a developing country has better...
23 November 2020 6,884 5 View
Quarantine fatigue is not uncommon during this period. Can we include it under a disorder category in ICD or DSM? Is it an adjustment disorder?
20 November 2020 8,824 4 View
Medical ethics has a long history starting from Hippocratic oath. Then the Geneva convention etc. With the development of technology, and changing in guidelines medical ethics are getting...
01 January 1970 1,021 5 View
Though the theory claims that an animal in extinction can be given birth, it has still been a dream. And it's there only in movies. How long will the science take to make this a reality ? Or is it...
01 January 1970 7,443 3 View
Trace amine associated receptor agonists are going to be a good choice in the pharmacological management of Schizophrenia. There will be less side effects and better efficacy. Will these group of...
01 January 1970 2,423 1 View
Americans use intravenous brexanolon for postpartum depression, and there are some literature supporting its efficacy. Can we use it instead of ECT or ketamin to treat severe depression? Is there...
01 January 1970 2,091 3 View
It is well known that mammals like horses and dogs develop psychiatry conditions such as depression. What are the other mental health conditions do the animals develop?
01 January 1970 1,141 3 View