18 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anoop Mohanty
My friend who is a Credit Review Officer is working on a research project. The outcome need to be published hence facing difficulties. Bank of Bhutan is not allowed in institution details. Any...
07 June 2024 955 2 View
Usually SQ dimension in studies is reflective in nature. Since the identification of formative scales and its usage in research using advance software's. I need some reference for SQ being treated...
07 November 2022 6,405 0 View
I have developed a questionnaire for my study covering 5 different broad dimensions (constructs). One construct is formative and rest are all reflective constructs. Now during initial stage of...
21 February 2020 8,817 3 View
Based on the above content I have certain doubts: 1) I have (1 Independent Variable and 3 Intermediary variable and 1 Dependent Variable in my model. Shall I count both (IV and intermediary...
21 February 2020 8,573 3 View
Using exploratory factor analysis on data with pro max variation the KMO value is indicated as not positively defined. I have 56 variable and pilot study is for 137 respondents. Can anyone explain...
03 December 2019 3,691 3 View
I was looking for a critical evaluator who can assist me with suggestions for improvement of my questionnaire. The study was based on Indian Customer's who are using E-Banking lounge services.....
12 June 2019 4,957 3 View
In my research presentation I have been asked to specify the sample size for the study. I have used statistical software to calculate the same using confidence level, confidence interval and...
13 July 2017 1,926 6 View
Please do share any link for a standardized scale to measure Intention to adopt and can it be measured through a scale with cross sectional study If I want to measure intention to reuse then...
03 September 2016 7,763 2 View
Mutual funds data for 10 years monthly frequency ( 10 types of schemes). How can we create a usage pattern or usage behaviour. Suggest any tool or pattern recognisition software which can be...
04 August 2016 8,587 5 View
I am interested in establishing a mathematical equation on some qualitative factors data, which will be collected through Questionnaire based on 5 or 7 point Likert Scale. Please refer the...
21 February 2016 5,504 2 View
I found a paper where DEA has been applied on data collected on Questionnaire with Likert Scale. I don't understand please guide. Refer the attachment Para no. 5.2 DEA for customer complaint handling.
21 February 2016 7,779 1 View
Please do guidance on application of SEM ( structural equation model) on different data sets i.e. Financial data (Archival) along with Qualitative data sets collection based on questionnaire to...
17 January 2016 6,027 3 View
Financial literacy is a bye product of Financial inclusion program currently pursued by all most every country under Financial Inclusion 2020 target. Please guide me on the concept of development...
14 August 2015 3,282 6 View
Dear All, I am interested in working on the topic of financial exclusion of Transgender. I need some literature for the same. Can anyone suggest me good articles or links for the said study from...
18 February 2015 1,018 5 View
Various factors affecting bank's decision on product and services pricing- 1. Transfer pricing between different branches, 2. Credit scores, 3. Carbon emission points ( Eco friendly proposals) 4....
13 January 2015 2,389 4 View
The study is going to cover the Indian Commercial Bank over a period of a decade. Operational efficiency and its effect on a bank's sustainability is to be studied.
06 December 2014 1,871 8 View
CAMELS is a model for performance evaluation of Commercial Banks in India. C stands for Capital adequacy, A stands for Asset Quality, M stands for Management, E stands for Earning, L stands for...
06 December 2014 9,810 10 View
Issues needed to be under focus are a. Length of the title for study ( Any word limit philosophy) b. Usage of all sub constructs ( dependent and independent variables) in title framing. c....
01 January 1970 6,195 3 View