14 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ankita Mukherjee
I have conducted some experiments on pollutant removal with time. I find my data fits the Morris Weber model. I want to calculate the rate constants from the equation. Can anyone please help me? I...
15 November 2021 7,545 2 View
I am doing adsorption isotherm studies. I have carried out kinetic modeling with Ce and qe values. However I am stuck in equilibrium studies. I have conducted the experiment for a run of 24 h,...
21 October 2021 8,801 5 View
I want to study the saline aquifers in India. However, I have got some of them and they are varying. If anyone has a recent map, then can you please share, or may be let know where do I find that?
29 July 2021 2,740 3 View
I am asking this in context with breakthrough and breakthrough time of CO2 migration within a saline aquifer, wherein CO2 displaces the native brine and occupies the pore space. However there is...
29 May 2020 3,957 0 View
How can we calculate capillary pressure in multiphase flow system in a porous reservoir with relative permeability and saturation as the given values. What I require is data on capillary pressure...
20 March 2019 7,516 3 View
What are the differences between capillary pressure and interfacial tension in the context of multiphase flow in porous media? I understand that capillary pressure is the pressure at the interface...
20 March 2019 6,448 4 View
What are the equations used for studying heat transfer in a porous media? I am working with COMSOL Mukltiphysics. i have considered a compressible fluid flow within the porous media which is a...
08 January 2019 9,148 6 View
In CO2 sequestration studies we usually see CO2 viscosity to be lower than that of brine. Is it possible that CO2 viscosity is higher in any study?
02 June 2017 5,771 3 View
Are there deep saline aquifers in India in context to CO2 sequestration with respect to known parameters? Is there any paper or data related to the same ?
30 January 2017 7,907 4 View
In case of an uncertainty analysis say we perform DoE, analysing which we get optimization of the given parameters. How are we supposed to interpret uncertainty analysis with that result? What are...
21 December 2016 6,746 13 View
I need to know the location of saline aquifers and their details in India with respect to area, depth (greater than 800 m), lithology and salinity.
25 March 2015 794 10 View
If we are conducting a core flooding experiment where we are passing two fluids viz., CO2 and water/brine, then how do we calculate irreducible water saturation or saturation without using CAT...
03 March 2015 2,934 2 View
Reservoir modeling for saline aquifers is well accomplished by Generalized Equation of state Modeling software (GEM). I wish to know which model are they choosing for the same viz., Peng Robinson...
09 January 2015 3,442 2 View
I am looking for some instruments required to carry out sequestration in the laboratory. If anyone is working on the parameter permeability or geological sequestration of CO2 broadly please do...
31 December 2014 8,451 13 View