13 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alireza Babaei
Dear all, I have a question about signal processing (experimental data collection for vibration data); I see, we define the frequency range of interest as: fSpan, then we can define the time...
02 December 2022 7,117 6 View
Dear all, Suppose we have acquired data set pertaining to a random process (or better to say, a deterministic chaotic process). Now the question is: how to analyze such data set? Since the data...
01 June 2021 4,953 3 View
Dear scholars, Suppose we have a vibration-based piezoelectric energy harvester (cantilever beam), the generated voltage is measureable via a multimeter. Questions are: 1- how to measure the...
24 May 2021 7,900 8 View
Dear scholars, We intend to determine an ANFIS for regression to predict numerical and continuous values. In ANFIS, though the accuracy of the model is not good at all and significant error is...
15 March 2021 411 5 View
Dear scholars, I was trying to model a FIS model for my data-set. I have two inputs vectors and one output. How can I model such a multiple input system in ANFIS? As I know ANFIS only accepts...
22 February 2021 5,063 6 View
Dear scholars, I was wondering if there are any scientific methods to train a neural network or ANFIS when one of the input variables is stochastic (random) and more importantly non-measurable?...
18 February 2021 2,238 3 View
Dear scholars, I was wondering how can I generate MATLAB code of an ANFIS (FIS) model? I need to integrate my ANFIS (FIS)/Fuzzy logic system into another MATLAB code to render optimizations. Do...
05 February 2021 6,443 4 View
Dear scholars, Do you have any suggestions for a concise and useful book with examples covering continuous numerical value predictions? Suppose that, we need to use regression techniques for...
06 August 2020 8,579 3 View
any body knows a relation between RSSI and CM? Basically, RSSI is used for distance estimation between the RFID tag and RFID reader antenna. but recently RSSI has been used for other findings as...
27 April 2020 6,566 3 View
Hi everybody Do you have a kind of comprehensive and general list of methods/models to simulate/model forced vibrations? Purpose is modeling kind of anharmonic vibrations (suppose the input is...
26 March 2020 4,667 3 View
1) Is the output power generated by vibration-based energy harvesting (with size limits, the whole cantilever and the structure will not exceed 30 cm by 30 cm by 30 cm), enough to power UHF (Ultra...
21 January 2020 7,769 1 View
Hello, I intend to generate a 3-D plot in Matlab. I have 'x' values, and 'y' values in vector format. And corresponding values of dependent function ('z') are in matrix format. Suppose that I do...
20 May 2019 6,274 2 View
What is the elaboration of various control laws in comparison to each other. It means, in the level of comparison, when to take Adaptive control? when to adopt Robust control? when for Neuro-fuzzy...
01 January 1970 737 5 View