14 Questions 82 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alem Redda
Due to many biotic and abiotic factors, crop seeds may not get fully filled at harvest. For example, lack of proper nutrition, lack of rain, late planting, physical damage, etc. Based on their...
09 January 2022 7,726 15 View
URGENT PRACTICAL QUESTION Timing of nitrogen fertilizer application is key in nutrient management in agriculture. Nitrogen is considered the most mobile plant nutrient in the soil, hence timely...
17 December 2021 1,004 21 View
Nitrogen is the most limiting and the least efficiently used (NUE is 0.3-0.5 in developed countries) plant nutrient. But what most gets me in doubt is the time of nitrogen fertilizer...
13 December 2021 9,175 22 View
In my case, we use 150 kg ha-1 for OPV and 200 kg ha-1 for hybrid varieties are recommended to be applied with three splits: 1st at planting, 2nd at knee height, and 3rd at flowering (silking and...
12 December 2021 995 4 View
Today, climate change is the biggest challenge facing the planet. I think, it is a delicate topic, extremely complex, and also multidisciplinary. When dealing with the impacts of CCV (climate...
28 November 2021 5,491 5 View
I'm doing my research on modelling of barriers (limitations) and determinants (social constraints) of maize farmers' adoption of adaptation options to curb the negative impacts of CVC (climate...
11 October 2021 6,155 13 View
I am a beginner to DSSAT model and feeling deeply happy with DSSAT model. Most DSSAT model users begin to entitle their journal articles, book's chapter titles, proceedings etc. using the phrase...
08 September 2020 4,042 7 View
Dear all RG professionals: 1) In agronomy, we have learned that to keep the balance between food supplies with the pace of the ever-increasing world population, we have to use modern-day...
01 January 1970 2,197 29 View
Nowadays a lot of crop models are available. But generally speaking, farmers of poor countries are not getting benefited from these tools. Which crop model is relatively better particularly for...
01 January 1970 9,780 6 View
Five cereal crops provide 60% of the daily food intake worldwide!!! Three cereals (rice, maize, and wheat) cover more than 50% of food intake. Maize is regarded as a "Hunger-breaking crop",...
01 January 1970 1,095 7 View
I am an agricultural researcher from SSA (Africa South of Sahara) and I can't afford the high publishing fees for journals. I have done research on "PERCEPTIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND DETERMINANTS...
01 January 1970 7,606 8 View
Dear RG scholars, GREETINGS!!! I'm relatively new to CROP MODELING and Simulation As you all know, modeling is so interesting but as wide as an ocean. Modeling includes many challenging topics...
01 January 1970 5,998 4 View
Dear respected RG professionals, I'm doing my climate data with MKT (Mann Kendall Test) and SST (Sens' Slope Test) methods to test TREND and VARIABILITY of the basic climate variables (rainfall...
01 January 1970 2,421 17 View
When the issue of intercropping is raised, most researchers, including myself, are addicted to the idea of intercropping cereals with pulse crops and the first reason that comes to our mind is the...
01 January 1970 1,200 14 View