09 January 2022 15 8K Report
  • Due to many biotic and abiotic factors, crop seeds may not get fully filled at harvest. For example, lack of proper nutrition, lack of rain, late planting, physical damage, etc.
  • Based on their experience, farmers usually use the color, size, and shape of the seed to judge the fullness of the seed.
  • For crop seed approval, we use a purity test.
  • For grain or food crop approval, we usually use physical observations (filled vs unfilled).
  • N.B. This wheat grain filling scale (degree) could be for processed or unprocessed seeds.
  • Processed: i.e. purity test is undertaken
  • Unprocessed: i.e. the seed may not have undergone a purity test, but even so we can judge it as fully filled, half-filled, etc.

Do we have scientific degrees or scales for wheat grain filling?

Please include references to be referred.

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