9 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adarsh Chatra
Dear all, I am in the process of calculating reliability index/ probability of failure for infinite slope subjected to rainfall. I need to find the Reliability index(Beeta) for correlated random...
17 January 2018 5,819 0 View
I working in rainfall induced landslide. I am interested to know is if there any exists relationship between seepage velocity and soil displacement (Horizontal or Vertical) withing the soil mass...
24 March 2017 8,827 4 View
Dear all, I am working on rainfall induced slope stability using FLAC. For a give slope geometry and material properties the slopes applied with "large strain mode" take longer time for the FOS...
20 December 2016 8,565 7 View
Dear all, I am trying to understand shear strain increments/rate on rainfall induced slope(Landslides). I am analysing the variation of strain increments using FLAC (two-phase flow) and...
09 May 2016 443 7 View
Dear all, Is there any correlation between soil friction angle and friction angle of soil under unsaturated condition (increase in friction angle due to suction).
07 February 2016 4,907 6 View
Dear all, I am new to unsaturated soil mechanics, I am working on rainfall induced landslides. Modeling of soil slopes involves modeling of unsaturated part of soil slope. Now I have a SWCC plot...
29 October 2015 2,098 12 View
Dear all, I am working in Rainfall Induced Landslide. I am modelling the rainfall infiltration in FLAC 2D with two-phase flow scheme. To validate my FLAC code I am comparing the model results...
04 September 2015 4,443 4 View
What is the influence of actual Evaporation (AE) while calculating the rainfall slope stability analysis. The total Precipitation(P)= Infiltration (I)+Runoff(R)+AE+Potential E(PE)+Transpiration....
06 April 2015 4,379 8 View
How to introduce rainfall in FLAC 3D for performing slope stability analysis for different rainfall intensities and duration. Any specific procedure. Thank you in Advance
03 March 2015 2,642 2 View