Youth work should be a public service rather than a private enterprise or philanthropic endeavour. Discuss with reference to political

ideologies and examples from social policy.

This question asks you to consider the significance and ideological debates about how youth work is provided and how youth services are run.

You will explore current debates concerning the role of the state in providing services versus privatisation, and the role of charitable provision.

For example, relevant ideological positions (such as those

surrounding democratic socialism and new right conservatism) are outlined in Andrew Heywood’s Political Ideologies, and in sections of Peter

Alcock’s Social Policy in Britain (e.g. chapters on the State, the Market, the Voluntary Sector, and Ideologies of Welfare). You should draw on

examples from policy and current affairs such as ‘Big Society’ and privatisation debates, and from other sources such as the websites of the

Youth and Policy journal, and relevant debates from campaign groups such as Choose Youth, In Defence of Youth Work and trade unions.

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