The adsorption method is a good method of purification from impurities, but it requires the desorption of impurities and the disposal of the spent adsorbent. It is necessary to download another method so that it does not have these shortcomings.
I thanks you.. your notes itis very Importance...but I think say ...any method using in purification water have same Minuses or Negatives in system hem...example this Negatives or Minuses : Cost ، toxicity amount and types of found in adsorbant or adsorbent or both...ok now I and you concert is adsorption have not 100% good as method purification water if it was surface posit a toxic substance or donot removal in this solutions or hard removal in water..ok ...and last.I thank you
Dear laith ...كلامك جدا دقيق وصحيح..شكرا لك على هذا التوضيح...لكن يبقى كما طرحه د يوري هي استخدام مادة مادة يمكن ازالتها بسهولة من المحلول المائي..والا انه
الكلفة الواطئة ونسبة الامتزاز العالية لا شك فيها الافضل..مع التقدير لكم