
I need HCI MOSRA simulation to find vth degradation. but I didn't know how to do it. especially I don't know what the constant parameters such as THCI0, TDCE, etc.

I use the following netlist to do the simulation, but the values of threshold voltage didn't change!

.model hci_1 mosra level=1

+thci0 = 5 tdce = 1 tdii = 2.7 hn = 0.5

.appendmodel hci_1 mosra nch nmos

.mosra relmode=1 reltotaltime='10*365*24*60*60' relstep='10*365*24*60*60/10'



would you please help me with these problems?

I'm looking forward to receiving an email from you.

best regards,

Farzaneh Nakhaee

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