According to Darwinian Evolution it is accepted that all life on earth has derived from a single source of DNA from which all life has evolved. If extra-terrestrial life has a completely separate source, and unimaginably different attributes, would we be able recognize it as life if we found it.

Dr Carol Cleland from NASA's Astrobiology Institute has pointed out that all 'life on Earth has a common origin,' and all 'terrestrial life represents only a single case'. (Astrobiology Magazine Staffwriter, 2003)

Professor Gerald F. Joyce is widely reported as having formulated NASA's working definition of life, and has stated the definition depends upon life being 'maintained by Darwinian evolution.' However, he has also suggested there may be 'another way,' and that it 'would be a huge breakthrough, if there was some paradigm other than Darwinian evolution that gets you what Darwinian evolution gets you.' (Leslie, 2013)


Astrobiology Magazine Staffwriter (2003) ‘Life’s Working Definition: Does it Work’, Astrobiology Magazine. Available at: (Accessed: 13 July 2016).

Leslie, M. (2013) Forming a Definition for Life : Interview with Gerald Joyce, Astrobiology Magazine. Available at: (Accessed: 23 March 2016).

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