9 Questions 203 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Guibert Ulric Crevecoeur
The symmetry between matter and antimatter is thought to have been broken in the early universe a short time after the end of cosmological inflation (« baryogenesis »). Matter and antimatter...
14 August 2016 7,411 8 View
Among the 4 elementary interactions, 2 have an infinite range : gravitation and the electromagnetic interaction. The 2 others have a very narrow range : 10-15 m for the strong interaction and...
05 May 2016 2,372 45 View
It is commonly accepted that the Universe started in an ordered state with low entropy (S), which allowed its entropy to further increase - as observed - in line with the second principle of...
13 April 2016 8,952 13 View
Plotting the conformal Hubble scale vs. the logarithmic scale factor allows to visually distinguish between dark energy physics models (e.g. for next generation measurements). The figure shows...
31 March 2016 2,385 10 View
According to measurements in the last two decades, the expansion of the Universe is accelerating (far Ia supernovae redshifts, WMAP, Planck, ...) pointing to the presence of dark energy (DE). The...
27 February 2016 7,555 5 View
It has been deduced from WMAP and Planck observations that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. This would mean that the present pressure in the universe is negative. Do we have any...
19 February 2016 1,146 20 View
Can we speak of a slight linear increase of the core density of sun-like stars during their stay in the main sequence ? As this is a period where gravitational effects are steadily balanced by the...
19 December 2015 3,490 4 View
According to the Wilkinson Microwave Ansotropy Probe mission (WMAP), the time most likely for a given CMB photon to last scatter during the period of decoupling of photons and baryons is 372 000...
12 December 2015 6,373 4 View
After stay in the main sequence, what would the rate of star heart gravitational collapse look like in function of time for : 0,1 to 8 solar mass stars (when evolving in red giants -> planetary...
27 November 2015 5,400 2 View