WorldClim ( has seemingly dropped the CMIP6 global coupled climate model MIROC-ES2L for all future climate scenarios. From what I understand, MIROC6 has replaced MIROC-ES2L without any notification or warning from WorldClim. MIROC6 and MIROC-ES2L provide different results and my current research relies on MIROC-ES2L data.
Is anyone else aware of this issue? Does anyone know of a data archive that houses MIROC-ES2L data from WorldClim? Specifically, I need bioclimatic, max temperature, min temperature, and precipitation data for SSP 245 and SSP 585 in 2050. I was trying to download 2030 data for a validation procedure, and that is when I noticed the problem.
Thank you very much for the assistance! I am hoping this is just a WorldClim database issue that can be fixed quickly.