I have been performing anodic stripping voltammetry using gold wire as working, Ag/AgCl as Reference and Pt wire as counter electrode.  After I polish the gold electrode and perform the experiment, what I observe consistently is that the current peak I get on the first run, is much higher than the peaks recorded during the subsequent runs (i.e. second, third, etc.).  However, after 3-4 runs of the experiment (without polishing the electrode in between), I get a consistent current peak but at a significantly lower level than the first run.  I am unable to find out reason for these dynamics based on the available litereature. 

Could anyone please help me understand the phenomena?  I use 1M HCl as the supporting electrolyte and I see this behavior with both As and Cu.

My questions are:

1. Which peak is to be considered as the "real" peak?  The one recorded during the very first run? Or the one which is recorded consistently after 3-4 runs?

2. How often should one polish the working electrode?

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