08 August 2020 1 4K Report

I digested and dephosphorylated a vector, and digested a PCR amplicon (my insert).

Since I had to use a column to cleanup my vector digest before ligation (since CIP is not fully heat-inactivated), I just decided to cleanup my insert as well.

When I eluted the digested/dephosphorylated vector, I have:

- Conc: 150 ng/uL

- 260/280: 1.8

- 260/230: 1.6

This seems good enough

For the digested insert, though, I have:

- Conc: 90 ng/uL

- 260/280: 1.8

- 260/230: 0.7

Will the low 260/230 inhibit the ligation (T4 ligase) that I plan to do next? Is it worth re-doing the insert digest?

I used a Qiagen kit for the column purification, and I washed it with the wash buffer twice -- maybe this wasn't enough?

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