Actually we are synthesizing hydroxyapatite with different ratios 1.5,1.6,1.7 like that but most of the paper has 1.67 ratio.What is the reason for that?
The stoichiometric ratio of 1.67 is for stochiometric hydroxyapatite , Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 with Ca/P ratio of 10:6, ie 1.67. However, most of the natural hydroxyapatites (as that seen in teeth) are calcium deficient and non-stoichiometric having a Ca/P ratio of 1.5-1.67. So, the ratio can be varied depending on the end purpose.
Hello. This ratio affects of the occured phases in hydroxyapatite. For example if this ratio is bigger than 1,67 than CaO and HAp phases would be occured. HAp + B-TCP phases would be occured when this value is little than 1.67. Consequently, if we don't want tri calcium phosphate (TCP, because it is a biodegredable composition) or CaO in the microstructure, if we would like to achieve pure HAp we must keep the stochiemetric ratio of Ca/P at 1,67.