Hi everyone,

I have analysed two genes localised next to each other in a phage. The analysis showed that the products of these two genes are interacting to each other to perform a specific function for the phage. I will refer to them as gene A and gene B based on their order in the genome of the phage.

What I found is that protein B was able to interact with protein A only when their coding genes (A and B) are cloned together (exactly as in the WT phage genome) into a plasmid under control of plasmid-encoded cadmium promoter.

However, protein B lost the ability to interact with protein A when protein B is over-expressed alone by the plasmid.

Indeed, when A and B both over-expressed by the vector, their ability to perform the function for the phage was very weak i.e. produced very few functional phage particles.

Any possible explanation for this behaviour please?


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