Thanking you Sir,I am appreciating your key comment no signifiant conclusion.
My thought may be wrong your right if it you think it in bigger way definitely your
getting a very good answer in widder in manner why i have written this think in a cool mood.Answering and writing a comment without sense is not a big deal any where.
Exist very clear and extended answer to your question… To be honest is very disadvantageous… Only to some aspects of question are: misguidance, business… You have luck that only medicine escaped from the mathematical modelling… Example in geology was introduced Plate tectonics which conteining clear falsification of geological reality (subduction, plate extensions, FE-NI nature of Earh core…)
It seems absurd to have a model of the universe using x, y, and z and tune, Isn't this the same as assuming that the earth is the center of the universe.