I have used different solvents made in different solvents to screen enzyme inhibitor using iodometric assay.blue colour indicates the presence of inhibitor.so why each of the solvents and even buffer also gave blue colour?
Certain solvents have a tendency to form peroxides on standing, particularly if they have been in contact with oxygen and or light. Solvent peroxides give a positive result in iodometric assay. Degas your solvents and buffers. Use freshly distilled solvent.
Run the control for the iodometric assay using deionised water just to eliminate potential problems with the assay chemicals.
even the deionised water gave blue colour in microiodometric assay which shows the presence of inhibitor. Can anyone tell the exact reason behind this?
If you can't establish a positive and negative control then your assay is faulty, this could be due to contaminated or decomposed components or an error in execution.