I can say that, it is because of the basics through which the individuals acquire during the childhood and so on. The main issue that makes them have such lack of understanding morals and typical behaviors in the society is the family school's classes and family beliefs matter.
Noor Mahdi Alsaedi
يمكنني القول دكتورة بأن السبب الرئيس يكمن بالأساسيات التي تعلمها الفرد و اكتسبها خلال طفولته المبكرة و ما زال يتعلمها حتى الآن. فالموضوع الرئيس الذي أثر في شحة الجوانب الأخلاقية القيمة كان بسبب تأثيرات تراكمية لعدم فهم و إدراك المبادئ و القيم المثلى التي أخفق المجتمع بتعزيزها لأفراده و ذلك من خلال الأسرة التي تعتبر هي المحور الأهم في العملية التربوية. فالأسرة هي المدرسة الأولى للفرد. و هي غاية في الأهمية
My view is that each society needs to accept that the subsisting 'values' were developed at some point in the life of the society and that globalization in this generation has propelled faster rate of social re-aggregation, hence a society's social values can hardly remain permanently constant.
Social values are a set of moral principles defined by society dynamics, institutions, traditions, and cultural beliefs. These values are implicit guidelines that provide orientation to individuals and corporations to conduct themselves properly within a social system.
Social values form an important and integral part of the culture of the society. Values account for the stability of social order. They provide general guidelines for social conduct. Values such as fundamental rights, patriotism, respect for human dignity, rationality, sacrifice, individuality, equality, democracy, etc. guide our behavior in many ways.
, “Values are general conceptions of “the good”, ideas about the kind of ends that people should pursue throughout their lives and throughout the many different activities in which they engage”. Peter Worsley,
Values are standards of social behaviour derived from social interaction and accepted as constituent facts of social structure. They are objects that social conditions desire. These are culturally defined goals and involve “sentiments and significance.” These consist of “aspirational reference.”
Values are expected to be followed for judging and evaluating social interaction, goals, means, ideas, feelings, and the expected conduct. Without such evaluating standard, it would be difficult to judge individual behavior or social action. .
Norms and values have salient relations. Norms are specific, There may be, in a particular situation, delusion of norms, but values are commanding. Norms are rules for behaving: they say more or less specifically what should or should not be done by particular types of actors in given circumstances. Values are standard of desirability that are more nearly independent of specific situations
There is an intertwining between economic and cultural factors. Sometimes the starting point is the changes in cultural values produced by comparison with other societies or conveyed by minorities of the same societies that assume more significant power. Other times the economy of a countries change and increase the pressure for a radical change of habits deemed old
Well morality is based on one's situation and culture and its all relative and so a crisis of value arises each individual thinks he is in the just Because of his subjective view
Give respect to parents, grandparents and teachers and all your relations. Don't speak ill or criticize. Be civilized. Home is the centre for all good things followed by the school. Education makes one more cultured and knowledgeable for a society you live in.
Dear Dr Noor Mahdi Alsaedi , I really appreciate for this thought provoking question. I fully endorse the view of Dr M.K. Tripathi. Yes, people do not spend much time on this issue - the are lot of divisions. Fail to understand & accept every others life. Warm regards Yoganandan G
as time passes the cultural values are taking a dive and we are spoiling our generation by providing everything they demand. Money and human value have no value. In course of time, the young ones become erratic and naturally become a liability.
Capitalism is now symbol of development around the world.This converts the society towards materialism.our Indian culture speaks for vasudhav kutumbkam .in this approach ,values is an important part of life.now mostly capitalistic approach, selfishness, cunningness are major reason for downfall of the values
Most unfortunately, it is because of the decline of morals. In the words of George Bernard Shaw "the nations morals are like its teeth, the more decayed they are the more it hurts to touch them". Values collapse when morals are in decay. Materialism took over. Ethics became changeable. Albert Einstein is quoted to say "Relativity applies to physics, not ethics".
Sometimes it is a problem of desynchronisation and social disintegration resulting from accelerated transformations of values, institutions and relationships in different segments of the same society. Significant desynchronisation and conflicts of values can be caused by differing speeds of transformation: towns/ rural areas; technology sectors and other segments of the economy...
WE ARE IN THE 21ST CENTURY AND MOST OF US ESPECIALLY SENIOR FRIENDS were born IN THE 20TH CENTURY. During thIs century which is only 21 years YOUNG, the young boys and girls from 15 t0 21 yrs forms the bulk.Irrespective of community or religion.the world and society that I saw and lived is not the same that what I witnessed during my life time /The world has evolved in many respects with innovations and technology and the is a much smaller place than what it was. THE NEEDS AND DESIRES OF THE YOUNG ARE MANY AND ALL ARE NOT ABLE TO SATISFY THEIR NEEDS. this is the main problem Car and body pollution by youngsters is common due to frustration and depression CAUSING FATAL ROAD ACCIDENTS DUE TO DRUNKEN OR DRUGS DRIVING. Food addiction and obesity leading to diabetes and smoking tobacco or other drugs are common causes of many diseases. there is no sense of responsibility. LACK OF VALUE or respects PARENTS little respects to elders very common INCLUDING the TEACHERS THE FAMILIES ARE BREAKING UP, FAMILY CULTURE IS DIMINISHING FOR SOME OR OTHER REASON OF BEHAVIOUR CHANGES LEADING TO QUARREELS ON SILLY REASONS. THE WORLD, AND THE SOCIETY THAT I saw and lived is not the same as I SAW. The SOCIETY I AND FAMILIES ARE BREAKING UP CAUSING FRAGMENTATION OF FAMILIES. SEEING THE RICH THE OTHERS ARE INVOLVED IN FRAUDS, THEFTS, DECEPTION, LOOTING. GREED IS COMMON FOR EVERYTHING EDUCATION IS LOW JOBS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR LACK OF COMPETENCE AND AS ALSO ECONOMY IS DWINDLING GLOBALLY AND IT'S AFFECTING THE DALY NEEDS OF FAMILIES AND YOUNGSTERS too. REMEMBER THE COST OF LIVING IS AFFECTING THE FAMILIES THE COMMON MAN AND THE YOUNGSTERS TOO . THE MANJOR PROBLEM THAT HURTS IS mobile which ids good for sensible and bad for irresponsible and crazy , THIS IS ALSO HAS TREMENDOUS IMPACT ON THE ERRATIC BEHAVIOUR AND VLOUES
I HAVE TRIED MY BEST TO BRING OUT BRIEFLY WHAT I NOTICED in my long life, will be 84 years, a Retd. PROFESSOR, worked hard to come up in life
To comment here is a delicate issue as some might like and others might not agree with what I expressed here.
I hope the readers are aware of what is wrong. in the views expressed bt colleagues . The government and the families heads especially parents and other agencies look into the civility and welfare of all and let everyone live happy and healthy