The emeritus professor Art Hobson in his article

"Realist Analysis of Six Controversial Quantum Issues"

from writes(Preprint Realist Analysis of Six Controversial Quantum Issues


“Schrödinger's equation for, say. a moving electron is clearly a "field equation" for a scalar (i.e. number-valued rather than vector-valued) field y(x, y, z,t) entirely analogous to Maxwell's equations for the vector EM field E(x, y, z. t), B(x, y. z, t). Nevertheless, the QP founders retained the Newtonian language, speaking consistently of quantum "mechanics" and quantum "particles." Physicists continue to apply the term "particle" to essentially every quantum object, including even the Higgs field which is clearly a universe-filling quantized field. Because language so shapes our perception of reality. I doubt we will transcend our quantum confusion until we adopt more appropriate words. Electrons, photons, and other quanta are not "particles."

The question of fields versus particles is crucial because, once one adopts the particle misconception, most other issues become unfathomable. For example, if quanta are particles separated by empty space, distant nonlocal comiections become incomprehensible.”

Yes this precisely my main concern since some time ago, as it is energy the fundamental issue, that can be solved if the Basic Systemic Unit is used to deduce the fundamental equations of physics, such as that of QP that defines the behavior of our first form of "measurable" energy, I mean the electron.

For it the concept of particle cannot be applied as it does not behave like that.

Edgar Paternina

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