I don't agree with Jürgen Weippert . This is not normal! The area ratio of the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 peaks is confusing. There may different reasons for this fact like overlaping of 2p1/2 peak with a line of a different element or charging issues. Need to have a look at the survey spectrum.
The Ti 2p spectra typically exhibit Coster-Kronig processes (see https://www.harwellxps.guru/knowledgebase/coster-kronig/) which results in a broader and smaller Ti 2p1/2 than expected. Similar things happen for vandadium also.
However, with the spectrum shown above, it looks as though there is another peak under the 2p1/2 peak - perhaps some Auger signal, or Ru3p for example. If there is charging, this should show on other peaks also to a similar magnitude.
Without anymore information on the sample, then this is the best anyone can say