08 August 2015 1 7K Report

I am measuring viral concentration in groundwater samples with high and low ionic strength, DOM and SOM. Results show that samples with no SOM have the opposite relationship with ionic strength and DOM than what was expected. Samples with high/low SOM show less of a decrease in concentration with high DOM and low ionic strength however samples with no SOM show the opposite. 

Most studies I have found show that DOM can either protect the virus or compete with it for adsorption spots on solid grains. This is also what we have found with our data. However, in the samples without soil there was a greater decrease in viral concentration with high DOM.  At first I thought, okay maybe this is due to an increase in ionic strength. However, when we tested the effect of ionic strength we found that there was a greater decrease in concentration with lower ionic strength. I cannot find any studies that have a similar trend.

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