Hello, KMnO4 solutions due to the strong oxidizing nature readily forms MnO2 on contact with any impurities or trace metals in water. Traditionally sources of KMnO4 always contained traces of MnO2 . KMnO4 solutions also light sensitive.
Because it can degrade (change valency) into MnO2 when heated. However, it is commonly used as a standard solution if it can be titrated against a known standard solution like As.
Hello, KMnO4 solutions due to the strong oxidizing nature readily forms MnO2 on contact with any impurities or trace metals in water. Traditionally sources of KMnO4 always contained traces of MnO2 . KMnO4 solutions also light sensitive.
In addition to the above, permanganate has a significant drawback. It is capable of oxidizing chloride ion in strongly acidic solutions. As the primary standard, potassium dichromate is used in redox reactions. But when using it, an indicator is required.
It is very good oxidizing agent. it is easily reduced by any other reagent. So, it can not be considered as primary standard due to its concentration changes and free leaving