The boxplot attached shows the proportion of presence-absences counts of species "GP" in different dune treatments (habitat types) with 3 replicates in each treatment, and between 2-4 years repeated measures (unfortunately I have an unbalanced design of AC = 4 years, CC = 3 years, DC = 2 years repeated measures).

One count is a dune-year, aggregated to dune treat across years and dunes. 

From the boxplot it seems quite clear to me that the presence of GP should be significantly different for AC:CC and AC:DC if not for CC:DC as well, given they are 100%, 7% and 0% present in AC, CC, DC samples respectively.... .

I conducted binomial GLM on the presence absence (p/a) data using the formula in R:

glm(formula = p/a ~ dune.treat,

family = "binomial",

data = dat[dat$species == "GP",])


Deviance Residuals:

Min        1Q            Median      3Q            Max

-0.78   -0.788        0.00005   0.00005    1.626


               Estimate  Std. Error    z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept)   20.57     3964.63     0.005     0.996

dune.typeC -21.58   3964.63     -0.005     0.996

dune.typeD -41.13   8253.04     -0.005     0.996

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

Null deviance: 55.637 on 40 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 17.397 on 38 degrees of freedom

AIC: 23.397

This output seems very strange to me.  I also tried to run a mixed effect model to include year as a random effect to take into account the unbalanced repeated measures. 


p/a ~ dune.treat,

random = ~ 1 | year,

family= "binomial",

data = dat[dat$variable == "GP", ]



Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood

AIC BIC logLik


Random effects:

Formula: ~1 | year

(Intercept) Residual

StdDev: 1.460122 0.5028493

Variance function:

Structure: fixed weights

Formula: ~invwt

Fixed effects: value ~ dune.type

                    Value      Std.Error  DF       t-value    p-value

(Intercept)    30.87   274897.7  34       0.00011     0.9999

dune.typeC -32.23   274897.7  34      -0.00012    0.9999

dune.typeD -61.94   505281.0  34      -0.00012    0.9999


(Intr) dn.tyC

dune.typeC -1.000

dune.typeD -0.544 0.544

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:

Min                 Q1              Med                Q3                 Max

-2.42e+00    -4.89e-01  -7.890e-13      6.215e-12       2.96e+00

Number of Observations: 41

Number of Groups: 5

I realise there is a huge standard error, and large DF, which is probable leading to p-value close to 1. But is this the 'true' result?-  I don't really understand why this is happening or what I can do about it?

Is there an error in the models I am running?

What would be a more appropriate model for this data to test for differences between dune.treats?



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