I have been trying to clone a 1600 bp GOI into a pET28a vector. My procedure is as follows: I made 6 reactions for 3 different temperatures and 2 GOIs(same gene different code). 1. add 2 microliters of amplified and PCR cleanup GOI. 2. Add .8 microliters pET28a vector. 3. Add 5 microliters of Q5 Polymerase. 4. Add 1.2 microliters ddH2O. 5. Add 1 microliter of engineered reverse primer. 6. The PCR times at temps are as follows: Initialization step-98C for 2 minutes, denaturation at 98C for 30 secs, Annealing- 55,60,65C gradient for 30 seconds, Extension step at 72C for 7 minutes. 

I then ran the products of this reaction on a 1% agarose gel using 2 microliters loading dye and 8 microliters of PCR product. I ran a pet28a plasmid in the farthest right lane. Is it possible the products are too concentrated and thats why the DNA isn't leaving the wells?

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