With reference to IMTA, what is the difference between 'bioremediation capactiy' and 'bioremediation efficiency'? What are some of the ways to quantify each?

Nielson et al. 2012, working with macroalgae, offers  potential definitions: 

Bioremediation capacity: Internal storage capacity of algae growing on different N sources.

- To me this is simply the proportion of the biomass that is the nutrient of concern, in this case N.

Bioremediation efficiency: Percent amount of nutrients extracted by the algae comparing the inflow and outflow of water.

- To me this is equivalent to mass balance work.

Nielsen, M.M., Bruhn, A., Rasmussen, M.B., Olesen, B., Larsen, M.M. and Møller, H.B., 2012. Cultivation of Ulva lactuca with manure for simultaneous bioremediation and biomass production. Journal of applied phycology, 24(3), pp.449-458.

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