As it is well known, Linked Opend Data (LOD) and computational ontologies have great success in the fields of Life Sciences (Biology, Medicine, etc). See e.g. the big LS-cluster at .
However, I wonder why mathematics are – in comparison – covered only sparsely by ontologies or LOD.
Indicators (to the best of my current knowledge):
- retrieves only one result. This links to which seems outdated and contains several broken (404) links.
- Since (Gruber and Olsen) there seems to be no attempt for ontological modelling of mathematics as a whole (or at least a significant portion of it).
- gives only one hit for "math" (in browser search)
- there is no "math*" tag on (but there is "biology" or "geography" or "geometry")
Probably there is some (machine-processable) formalization of mathematical knowledge but it seems almost disconnected from the "semantic web" and LOD-bubble.
Why is this?Should this be changed?If 2., how?