In control theory we often develop new methods for analysis or controller/observer/filter design and usually evaluate them with numerical simulations. In many papers only a few selected examples are considered.
I think it would be desirable, if there was a catalogue of potential example systems which contains a variety of system models from one could select those which are suitable for a specific use case. A colleague and I are working on such a catalogue (see for more information).
After establishing the framework, a basic ontology ("Ontology of Control Systems Engineering") and some preliminary examples (e.g. cart pole system, Brockett integrator, some PDEs and DAEs), we now look for more content. Another colleague recommended which contains > 100 linear state space systems.
I am also aware of some other small collections of nonlinear/mechanical systems (available only as PDF file) such as :
Differential Flatness of Mechanical Control Systems: A Catalog of Prototype Systems, 1995 Murray, Rathinam, Sluis
Are you aware of other catalogues or collections of dynamical systems? Preferably, the equations (and potential metadata) are available in a machine actionable format, but this is optional.