According to solute theory, to calculate GRF, there are two assumptions:
1- m is constant
2- K is constant
The literature says that for Aluminum base alloying systems m for titanum is 30 and for zirconium is 4.5.
first of all: m= 30 is valid for the amounts of Ti less than 0.15 wt. %. after that the slope changes dramatically and this constant slope is not valid.
But for Zirconium. please take a look to the attachment. How can i calculate the slope? which slope is considered for Zr (m=4.5).
Therefore, I have an important problem with this theory, It is valid until the slope is constant or doesn't change too much. but for Zr and Ti the slope change dramatically after 0.11 and 0.15 wt. % respectively. So, how could this theory be valid here? In other words, what is the verified range for these elements?