hello everyone,

I faced problem to compile my udf as shown below,

I dont know what caused the problem in my udf codes until fluent unable to compile it.

I also try to compiled other udf and it goes smooth without any error.I think this is not the problem with compiler or fluent as I already setup the VS2012 and Fluent 16 according to system required.

It maybe something wrong in my udf codes,but I dont know to track at which line caused the error.

Can anybody help me to solve this problem.

#include "udf.h"

#include "dynamesh_tools.h"

static real v_prev = 0.0;

DEFINE_CG_MOTION(osc, dt, vel, omega, time, dtime)


Thread *t;

Domain *d = Get_Domain(1);

real x_cg[3], force[3], moment[3];

real accl, dv;

real mass = 0.2;

real wn = 12.0;

real k = mass * wn*wn;

real c = 2 * mass*wn*0.00;

int i;

NV_S(vel, = , 0.0);

NV_S(omega, = , 0.0);

/*t = DT_THREAD(dt);*/

t = DT_THREAD((Dynamic_Thread *)dt);

for (i = 0; i

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