My graph for standard curve doesn't touch at zero. I always get a graph straight but touching higher at about 2 parts. I am using the lowery method and the procedure is like this:

2% Na2co3 dissolved in .1N NaoH (A) mixed with 1% Nak Tartarate in .5% CuSo4.5H2O (B)


Folin reagent/Distilled water 1:1

.2,.4,.6,.8,1ml of BSA(50mg dissolved in 50ml DW) taken in test tubes, added to it 5ml of solution (C) then after 10 min I added .5ml of folin reagent prepared fresh. Then after 30 min we take reading at 660nm. 

Please convey any suggestions if there is any fault in the process.

Thank you.

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