I am using Abaqus to simulate a plate with in-plane loading. The boundary conditions allow the right edge to move up and down, the displacements on the left edge are fixed. There is no rotation possible on the right and the left edge. The plate is loaded by the displacement of the right edge. I will attach a picture of the deformed plate.

My goal is to calculate the force that is necessary to deform the plate.

I have summed up the reaction forces of all the nodes on the left edge. Then I had a look at the force components of a Free Body Cut at position zero (left edge). The sum of the reaction Force (in y-direction) does not match the Free Body Cut force (in y-direction). The difference is huge.

So my question is: How does Abaqus calculate the reaction force? How is it possible, that the force calculated by a Free Body Cut (at position zero) deviates from the reaction force? Does there not have to be an equilibrium of forces in y-direction?

I would be very glad if someone can help!

Thank you

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