I performed photocatalytic degradation experiment under direct sunlight. The original dye solution was showing lesser absorbance value than the solution kept under direct sunlight in presence of photocatalyst. How can I improve it?
You should clearly describe the conditions of the 'original dye solution'. Was it catalysed? It would make commenting and suggesting easier if you also attach the spectra.
The original dye solution was stock solution of 10mg/litre and it was pure dye with DI water only. And when photocatalyst(30mg) was added to the dye solution, its absorbance peak was greater than the original dye solution. What changes can be made or done? Should i decrease the concentration of dye ?
It is possible that degradation products have an absorption band in the same range as the dye. Thus the observed result may be due to the overlapping of the absorption bands of dye and degradation products. In such case, UV-Vis spectrophotometry is not the best method of analysis. Maybe HPLC works better in your case.
Try centrifugation before measuring the absorbance of the dye in sunlight. It should solve the problem. Sometimes, the catalyst may be present in the solution and thus can increase the absorbance.