I've completed a DTI analysis with FSL before (tutorial data) with no issues. However, when I use my labs data, FSL won't produce a proper output. Literally a blank white mask is shown when I enter DTI_FA into FSL View. When I enter the original unprocessed nii.gz image I see a normal brain scan.
I used this tutorial: http://www.cabiatl.com/CABI/resources/dti-analysis/
I downloaded the DCM files from my server (ep2d_DWI) scan and converted them to FSL_4D files with dcm2niigui giving me bvec and bval outputs as well.
I'm wondering if my issues are with the bvals, as it only has 3: '0,500,1000.' Where usually the tutorial files have 0, 1000 (repeated 20 or so times). In FSL View I see the following information when I only input the 4D file converted from DCM.
Voxels: 128x128x24
Dimensions: 1.71875x1.71875x6mm
Volumes: 3
Data type: signed short (16bpp)
Any Ideas??