One particular type of floral guide and flower colour patterns is a dark center. I want to collect ideas about dark centers in flowers. I am aware of a few studies suggesting dark centers mimic potential mates like bombylid flies in Gorteria diffusa, and glaphyrid beetles in Papaver rhoeas. In the wild carrot the central black flower mimics a gall and helps to prevent egg-laying of gall midges. In some perfume Stanhopea orchids it has been hypothesized that dark spots mimic nest entrances which for some reason are attractive to perfume collection orchid bee males.
Is they anything known about the function of dark spots in the flowers of Thunbergia alata, Rudbeckia sp., Vicia faber, some Hibiscus spp., Swainsonia formosa, Tuberaria guttata, Physalis peruviana, Micranthes melanocentra, Aristolochia grandiflora, Iris tuberosa, and others.