I am conducting an experiment treating mustard aphids with Beauveria bassiana, there were 25 aphids reared in mustard leaves, the next day, 3-5 aphids were missing. I did this several time but everytime they were missing.
I generally put a few (not 25) aphids on small plants and cover each with a lamp chimney. The tops I cover with the the white synthetic fine mesh fabric (maybe nylon or polyester) used for simple wedding veils in the US. I have also had some luck, even in the field with bags of the same material tied over parts of large plants in the field. My aphids usually multiplied rather than vanished. But research can often be frustrating. I hope your luck improves.
I have put them in the glass bowls with the filter paper below and the top of the glass covered with muslin cloth and few leaves with them, I have been changing the leaves daily. The species is Lipaphis erysimi. My aphids have also multiplied with new nymphs and the adult one which were before are missing.