What do your samples consist of? The question cannot be answered that straightforward. What in general may happen is that by doping some selection rules of your original structure may be affected. This means that the dopants are on positions that change the symmetry, and thereby cause some reflexes to vanish. Or, the structure is so rigorously changed, that you have some sort of phase transition (creation or vanishing superstructure). All this may change your diffractograms substantially. Regards, Dirk
As Dirk was saying, a lot of factors can interplay. And it really depends a lot on your sample, the form of the result and its preparation. Is the resulting sample a powder ? a pellet ? If the most probable answer is a phase (and symmetry) change, resulting in forbidden reflections, in the case of a pellet like sample, texture might also be an issue. Some more or less strong texturing may be present - this makes that, depending on the way (geaometry) you acquire your XRD pattern and your instrument, some of the peaks will be enhanced, other diminished (up to completely disapperaing).
First of all, thank you Mallika for raising the question!
Dear Dirk and Cristian,
Based on your comments, I have few more questions, below:
1) is the discrepancy (i.e. referring to the missing peak(s) when compared to the reference powder diffraction patterns) coming from the measurements or something to do with the material growth itself?
2) if it is related to the material; can it still be treated as the other ONE with all peaks? if not, how should we label those to make a fair comparison with the literature reported properties of materials without missing peak(s)? Can we expect different physical property/ies (in general point of view)?
3) I have an example for e-beam deposited alpha-Fe2O3 film and nanorod arrays: missing the strongest (104) plane in both the nanostructures (comparing with powder diffraction, also shown in the attached!). How do we address the missing plane in these two cases? Do you suggest anything extra measurements/studies would help to investigate to confirm the phase were alpha-Fe2O3 (i.e. same as Fe2O3 nanoparticles)?