I am working with plasmids containing aion channel, with the goal of eventually using them for transfection in Hek cells.  The problem I am having is preparing these plasmids at the bacterial transformation stage.  I have 2 different channels (both from he HCN family), on of them (HCN2) grew perfectly on the first try in XL1 Blue cells.  However I am now doing point mutations on the channel (using a Quikchange kit) and I cannot get a colony that has my intact channel.  Additionally I am trying to use HCN1, another member of the same family, and it is giving me similar problems to the mutation reaction.  Here is what I have tried so far:

1.  I am using internal channel specific primers to screen picked colonies for the presence of my plasmid.  PCR of the unmated HCN2 plasmid produce a clean band of the appropriate size.  PCR of the mutation reaction prior to transformation produces a single band of the right size. but PCR's of the picked colonies for the mutants do not, they show multiple bands.

2. Used Stbl2 competent cell to hopefully prevent recombination of the plasmid,but the pct's looked the same as the XL1-Blue.  

3. Tried incubation at 37 and 30 degrees, and decreasing the antibiotic concentration, but still the same problem

I have tried these things with both the HCN2 mutation reaction and the wild type HCN1 plasmid and have had no luck.

Any advice would be much appreciated!  Also, if there are any extra details that would help please let me know 



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