I am using ITS1f-ITS4 primer set to amplify the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region from genomic DNA extracted from soil/sludge sample expected to contain at least some fungi.  To the best of my understanding, the ITS1f primer is fairly specific to fungi.

PCR reaction consisted of: Platinum Hot Start PCR 2X mastermix (diluted to 1X), BSA (0.4 mg/ml), primers (0.4 uM ea.), template (1ng/uL). 

Thermocycler Program:

   Cyc1(1X)   94C for 5 minutes

   Cyc2(35X) 94C for 30s

                     55C for 30s

                     72C for 30s

   Cyc3(1X)   72C for 5 minutes

   Cyc4          4C forever

I've attached a picture of the gel.  I ran 5 uL of the PCR products on a 0.8% agarose gel at 80V for 60 min, along with a 1kb ladder (G Biosciences).   Samples in lanes 1&5 and 2&6 are the same environmental samples extracted by different methods.  Subscripts on the additional sample 5 labels indicate the (increased) concentration of template in the PCR reaction for those lanes (e.g. 5 ng/uL and 3 ng/uL).  Lane 0 was a negative control (template from DNA extraction with no sample). 

From my understanding, I should expect ITS amplicons of around 600 bp for fungi; however, most samples show bands at much lower sizes (200-400 bp).  These appear to be too large to be primer dimers, so I expect amplification occurred (also based on negative control, where primer dimers are not visible on the gel). 

Are there any methodological issues that could lead to smaller than expected fungal ITS amplicons? 

Thanks for taking the time to consider!


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