Hi everyone,
I ran both ssDNA and dsDNA samples on a 20% PAGE gel at 100V for 80 mins using TBE buffer but the positions of the bands are the same. Does anyone has any idea what is going on or suggestions on how to solve this? Thank you.
I am on the lookout for the Enhanced Yellow Fluorescent Protein (Aequorea victoria) DNA sequence. Does anyone know where I can find it? Thank you in advance
03 March 2021 3,568 1 View
Is it possible to induce site-directed substitution mutation by quick-change method on linear dsDNA? or it has to be cloned in some vector? If yes, should it be treated with the Dpn1 enzyme...
03 March 2021 401 4 View
I am going to have 3 different probes in my qPCR work that I am going to do. But I realized that the machine we have in the lab is a Rotor-Gene Q 2plex HRM Platform, saying it has green, yellow,...
01 March 2021 8,544 1 View
We are preparing some experiments based on irradiating cells under different conditions in order to evaluate the effects in terms of DNA damage, genetic expression, etc. As our project is...
01 March 2021 3,355 3 View
Good day researchers I am busy analysing the predicted effects of certain SNP's in AVPR1b. When using the VEP prediction programs (SIFT, Polyphen, FATHMM, LRT, Provean, Mutation Assessor, and...
28 February 2021 5,197 1 View
Hi everybody In the ped format for genotype, alleles of any SNP are represented by two columns (one for each allele, separated by a space). Is a column sufficient for the haplotype to...
27 February 2021 1,965 1 View
Hi I am a bit confused. They are asking me to find out the volume of DNA required in ul (a total of 30-100 ng for genomic DNA) from the DNA concentration in the nanodrop reading which was 404.8...
26 February 2021 5,029 2 View
Hi everyone, Illumina provides a list of primers to amplify with high taxonomic coverage the ITS1 region for further fungal sequencing, but I cannot find the exact amount necessary of each...
25 February 2021 6,969 3 View
I am trying to better understand the scope of DNA replication and sequencing errors, e.g. 1. I have seen similar error rates of 10e4 to 10e5 for cell & instrumental DNA replication,...
24 February 2021 4,397 3 View
I got a thin band and a thick band i guess it would be the genomic DNA and the 260/280 ratio is 3.
21 February 2021 6,523 6 View