I am trying to demonstrate a protein-protein interaction through co-IP. To IP, I use a mouse IgG isotype control and a lab-generated mouse antibody to protein X. When I do WB, I use rabbit-generated antibody from Cell Signaling as well as their mouse-anti- rabbit conformation specific secondary (L27A9). In theory, I should not see IgG bands due to using antibodies generated in different hosts and the conformation specific secondary. However, it appears there are IgG bands both in the isotype control and the sample. Shown here, 500ug total protein was used in the IP with 10ug ms antibody. Antigen was allowed to bind beads for 1hr RT while rotating. I eluted in 40 uL total 1x LDS buffer with 5% 2-ME boiled >95C for 10 minutes. My proteins of interest are protein x (~25 kDA with the antibody we use to detect) and protein y (forms various complexes or in free form, ~65 kDA, 55 kDA, 17 kDA free, or 8 kDA free). The input band should be 55 kDA as this is the most prevalent form. My labmates use the same Ms isotype control, ms protein x primary, and secondary with no issues. I have run my protocol by them and they do not see a reason explaining the background.
Lanes L-R: protein x KO cells (IP with protein x), protein x KO cells (IP with IgG), Protein X input (20ug), protein x over-expressing (IP with protein x), protein x over-expressing (IP with IgG), protein x over-expressing input (20ug).
Does anyone have any idea as to why there appear to be heavy and light chain bands here? What can I do to reduce background? Any ideas or advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance!