17 April 2019 6 10K Report

While running fossil-calibrated molecular-clocks analysis in BEAST, I keep receiving some strange numbers as node ages. I input the numbers in millions of years (see Fig.1) and yet I am receiving mean node ages in numbers like 0.899, 0.371 etc. (see Fig.2).

I am basically rerunning published time-calibrated pyhlogenetic analysis after inclusion of new OTUs. Therefore, I have some idea how results should look like and it seems that node ages are dated relatively (in sense of their relative position) correctlly, i.e. in accordance to that published study.

In other words, the tree itself seems to be fine but my time axis looks like this (Fig.3), while it should look like this (Fig.4, btw I received this picture with correct units on the axis by forcing the root age in FigTree to be in accordance to the published study mentioned above, which is a step I wish to avoid).

I bet this will be some minor issue but perhaps someone will share their experience and save me a bit of time. Does anyone have any ideas?

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