Hi everyone,

I am currently running a mixed-mode simulation of a DCB using a user-defined cohesive zone model (UEL), however, the results I am getting don't make sense. I used the same UEL for the mode-I case with success, however, when I tried the mixed-mode case I get Infinite values in the energy release in the mode-I and the correct energy release in some of the load increments in the mode-II. When I increased the loading, I get more infinite values as mentioned above, and when I decrease the loading I still get extremely large numbers in the energy releases and the displacements which don't make any sense. When I further decreased the loading, solution is unattainable, which is counterintuitive for me since I know large loads usually lead to simulations unable to run to completion.

The only difference between the mode-I case and the mixed-mode was that the top arm was halved (just to introduce the mode-mixity) in the mixed-mode case; same trapezoidal cohesive law was used in both cases (and both modes in the mixed mode). The BC I used was ENCASTRE at the free end, and displaced the two arms vertically. I tried other BCs like removing the ENCASTRE and pinning both displaced nodes against x-displacement, but that still didn't work. Attached is an image of my geometry and BC. I have exhausted all options I can think off, any suggestions are welcome. Thank you very in advance.

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