I'd like to measure ECG signal with dry electrode. But I'd like to know what kind of electrode are mostly used. Is there any person can give me some information?
Biopotentials are generated in the body. They are registered by a charge transfer over the finite impedance of the bioamplifier, producing voltage at the amplifier input. Electrode purpose is to make interface for this charge, easy to reach the amplifier. The charge must travel from ion conducting medium, in the body, to electron conducting medium, in the electrode cables.
Electrode gel is an electrolyte. It makes low ohmic connection between skin surface and the cable, and is well conducting medium for the charge. This low ohmic connection, has low ohmic impedance, if expressed with capacitor impedance 1/wC, it has infinite capacitance C!
Dry electrode has dielectric, instead electrolyte. It behaves like a capacitor, small capacitor is series to the amplifier input. It is a source of artifacts and differentiates (distorts) the useful signal.
Use electrode gel :)
ok, if you want to experiment, you should increase as much as possible the electrode capacitance, i.e. the electrode area - it should be > 1 sq. dm (decimeter), like electrodes for defibrillation, and also the amplifier input impedance.
Even in that case, you should have at least one wet reference electrode for the ground to set the body potential inside the common mode input range of the amplifier.