At first you should do assessment sudy for the CO2 contributors in the city, then add the externality cost (damage cost) to the largest contrbutors. Do benifit-cost tradeoff to optimize the environmental tax that shall be imposed on the largest CO2 contributors.
At first you should do assessment sudy for the CO2 contributors in the city, then add the externality cost (damage cost) to the largest contrbutors. Do benifit-cost tradeoff to optimize the environmental tax that shall be imposed on the largest CO2 contributors.
Everyone, from a citizen to the municipality to the Government. Depends how you want to structure whole thing. Stakeholders of the city are citizens, municipality. builders, commercial owners,tourist,companies, government etc. In the degradation of environment everyone plays a role and should be held responsible and should pay the cost as Environmental tax or in some other form, the revenue could be used to make sure that environmental degradation has been taken care of in some other ways, planting trees, cleaning up water-bodies, installing more environment efficient solutions etc.
From my point of view everyone is clearly involved on this issue. I`m going to refer here not to hughe industries, commercial entrepeneurs, opinion makers or governaments, but to standard citizens. Standard Citizens are part of the problem (and may be, aprt of the answer) from different dimensions. For example as consumers people are part of the problem as domestic consum affects the use of energy and the production of waste. Standard citizens are also responsible as commuters, for exeample using their own private cars instead of public facilities, but and also in many, many other dimensions. In a much broaden dimension, citizens are responsible of expresing a clear interest -personally and collectively- on tackling this problem. This, on my personal point of view, is the very clue.
This is a very interesting questions. Ministry of Environment is the nodal agency with other department being instructed for guidelines to be followed in implementation. The respective departments execute their jobs for environmental controls. They provide basic instructions/education to various stakeholders and general masses for control of the environments through different communication media as well surveys/meeting them directly.
Some of the developed industries also take part in providing the instructions/trainings. It is basically public-private - corporate partnership.
Some sectoral based case studies are carried in order to work out the major polluters, to the industries through district/provincial pollution control boards the appropriate costs for polluting the environments are taken, as well strict instructions are passed to them for control options to be strictly followed, with strict warning too.
The contributors, who are poor or common masses, are to be further educated for the instructions to be followed for control of the environment and some rulings/controls on public distribution system will automatically control the environmental pollution.
Carbon credit type of venture is not feasible in this situation and some regular trainings/communications to the general masses are to be carried out for reducing the degradation, whereas the industries and other organisations, who are developed as well if creating the major point/non-point source of pollution should bear the cost and some of the organisations who believe in corporate social responsibilities should join with govt agency to provide the trainings and instructions
Everyone and all the infrastructures are involved. The question is how to find their share in time. That is difficult to understand but you can predict the main payoffs by some economical functions or indices such as welfare.