The most majority of my country is malaria epidemic prone areas and is getting prepared for malaria elimination. Therefore.,we need to run pre-elimination studies on entomological factors.
Malaria elimination may very difficult to achieve, however control is possible. The study design I recommend is community trials in which the targeted vector control interventions (larval and adult habitats) are carried out in some communities and compare entomological indices between the communities. In this way the best of the interventions will be determined for wider application in your country.
Some people are arguing that priority should be given for mass drug administration to clear out the parasite from a given population. Is there any experience of similar type from any malarious country around the world?
Dear Alemayehu, I agree with Moses that cluster randomised trials would be the best study design to test the interventions. I.e., you will select clusters (such as villages or districts) where you implement the intervention, and control clusters where you don't. You will need several clusters in each arm. Often, to yield meaningful results, such studies are very large and cost millions of dollars. You can then assess several outcome variables, such as vector density, clinical incidence, prevalence by microscopy or PCR, etc.
An example of a recent successful study on MDA: