I would like to compare the food security status of two group of people. Here, I will use household hunger scale. sample size is large. then which statistics will be most suitable?
Mean and standard deviation (SD) are descriptive statistics and as such they can be presented in your study. However, if with your data you wish to make a broad generalization that from your 2 groups could be applicable to any other 2 groups in similar studies, then a t-test statistic as Dr. Abidi suggested is the way to go. A One-way ANOVA with 2 independent samples could be a feasible statistics for your study as well. Good luck!
Just a note: before you use t-test (Or One-Way ANOVA), be sure to test all the assumptions required for the use of said test. If assumptions are violated (like normality), make the necessary adjustments like considering the non-parametric counterpart of the test or performing data transformation and testing again the assumptions and finally carrying out the test if the assumptions are satisfied.