plant extracts like latex from the plant cactus, tomato juice have been used in the synthesis of oxides. may i know which plant extract is suitable for the preparation of ZnAl2O4 using solution combustion method.
Direct and of high perfomance of chemical synthesis of oxide materials involve typically an thermal treatment. This thermal treatment provides thermal energy or actuate activating an spontaneous event. From this step, there is an event auto propagating, an external source is non necessary.
The thermal event, as a whole, can be called of calcination, pirolysis...In essence, the magnitude or intensity of thermal energy supplied differ from method to method. Obviously, the powder morphology and some structural features will be change also depend on of method to method.
All methods necessitate of a source of thermal energy, in general way there is a specie of molecule that undergos thermal degradation giving as principal product thermal energy, as subproduto some hot gas type CO, CO2, H2O, N2O4, etc... which are eliminate to the atmosphere. This molecule is the fuel of the thermal reaction. Therefore, if the core of the interest is in this exotic synthesis process based on the vegetable basic fluids, the molecule group of interest should be composed of molecules of long chain and with one or moe oxygen in the structure that gives a high amount of thermal energy. This molecule or these molecules are the carbohidrates. Seems that some aminoacids can be result in some sucess but the concentration of thes molecules are typically small, must be investigated.
See, here it important to select a way to attain a systematic research. Latex is a priori the blood of the plant, in english also "juice of a plant", that is very distinct in its chemical composition when comparated to the juice of a fruit, as an exemple the tomato. Also, the amount of soluble salts should be further considered. In this sense, the analsys of monosaccharides (sugar) and polysaccharides present in the fluid seems a step fundamental.